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Friday, February 22, 2008



Jennifer A. said...

why naw?

Thirty + said...

What happened why are you broken hearted, oya come and talk.

guerreiranigeriana said...


Fo said...


ShadeCrown said...

*big hug*
ull be ayt

Anu boy said...

omo guy.... i know how you feel...
e go better....

Afronuts said...

Who or what is saddening thee?

Obinwanne said...

hey guys....thanks for all your support....things are sorted out...but...

princesa said...

Am glad things are sorted out now.Hope you are doing fine.

darkelcee said...

glad things are sorted out.

So update so that we can know you are happy.


Thirty + said...

Update naw


Eyim Obi,long time...I have a concept I would like to develop and am contemplating a collabration with you.I think you are to the task...But then,this is not the medium to share it...Relate to me your e-mail address and I will get back to you...You can get to me @ wealthyjack@yahoo.com...Waiting for you...Saddness is not your potion(say amen!)...Am out of here.

Unknown said...

It is well with u

The poets voice ~~~ said...

what happened? andni fthings r sorted y 'but'?? everything wil be fyn..

hope u r ok?